
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Life and Freedom

Life has been very hectic recently with no end of coming and going. Probably everyone goes through stages like this from time to time.

One close friend has died, another has just had a stroke, a third waiting to go in for an op and another trying desperately not to go under the knife.

In wargaming terms I had lost my painting mojo, got fed up reading military histories, got stuck into clearing out some storage, started glueing some things together, started reading a non military history book, got my painting mojo back and am now wondering what the fuss was all about.

I have my freedom and that's what counts, and, it's my birthday tomorrow.

Here's a sneak preview of what I have been doing:

And also:

Keep watching!


  1. Here's wishing you a happy birthday!

    Yep, sometimes "real life" gets in the way, and sometimes we need a little break so we can return all refreshed and ready to get cracking again. I like having various hobbies and reading tastes. It may mean I don't often get big projects done, but I can switch off to other things as and when I feel like it.

    I'll be interested to see what your "secret project" is.

    1. Yes, real life can be a pain sometimes.

      My 'secret project' will be revealed in stages soon enough.

  2. Many happy returns of the day., Tony

    1. Thanks Tony and the same to you when the day arrives.

  3. Happy Birthday Jim!
    Fitz-badger is so right.

  4. Yep, Happy Birthday. Here's to your mojo returning soon.

  5. Best wishes for your birthday. Looking forward to seeing your Kallistra AWI armies. - so I am glad you are back in a painting mood :-)

    1. Got a couple of Continental units done, more to follow.

  6. Happy Birthday for tomorrow from me too! I, too have only just started getting my painting mojo back after my Mum died, so i feel for you too!

    1. Sorry about your Mum Richard, always sad when a parent goes.

      Good luck with your painting, I am glueing together a lot of MDF at the moment, painting to follow.

    2. Thanks David, see you soon at Carronade.
