
Wednesday 31 August 2022

Jacobite - The Clans are Gathering

 A few more test paints, working on how to paint different tartans.

Am working on a 'red' tartan now.

Heaven help me when I do a piper. My source book has him illustrated with a tartan jacket and a kilt with a different tartan and red and whited diced socks.

Anyone spot the 'indeliberate' error?

Friday 19 August 2022

Warmaster - Empire - On the March

 These guys have lain in a box for a couple of years and are now destined for sale.

The whole Army in the sunshine.

Knights - 4 units

Halberdiers - 4 units


Steam Tank

Crossbowmen - 4 units

Pistoleers - 3 units

War Altar


Commanders - 3 units


Ersatz Knights (conversion from Kallistra Teutonic Knights)

These figures are in excellent condition, almost no wear and tear, bases are magnetic and storage box is magnetic lined. I should be at Border Reiver in September and also Battleground in November so can deliver face to face without the perils of postage.

Sensible offers only by email to ''.

Monday 15 August 2022

A lone Jacobite

 No, he's not Bonnie, Prince or Charlie (they are sheepdogs). This highlander goes by the name of Willie Doo.

The figures is by Crann Tara and is a test paint for a commission for a good friend.

First time I've done a tartan other than the Government sett.

Many more will follow, a Jacobite Rising indeed.

Apologies for the poor lighting; a Scottish summer.

Saturday 6 August 2022

A little bit of Claymore 2022

 I got to Claymore OK despite the large car park being almost completely full within 30 minutes of the show opening.

I took a few photographs of one or two games but my camera is not talking to my PC as well as it should so I only have a couple of photographs to show just now.

My main purchase was paint c/o Colonel Bill.

My 'shiny' purchase was some dragoons in bicornes by Eagle Figures.

I spoke to a million and one people and still didn't catch everyone I wanted to.

Next show will be in Gateshead in September.


Apologies to everyone commenting. I am unable to convince Blogger/Google that I am myself so am unable to reply to your comments. As usual I have no handy teenagers about.


I seem to have fudged my ability to reply to posts.

I think I set up myself as 'anonymous', then tell it who I am and it seems to work.

