I must be getting old.
In 30 minutes time it will be 1st January 2017 and all I can think about is going to bed.
Will find time for a small beer in daylight tomorrow.
Happy New Year Everyone.
Some insights into a crazy world of model soldiers, toys to some, a business to others, an amazing realm where there are no limits other than your imagination, tempered with a bit of research and history.

Saturday, 31 December 2016
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
It's been quiet, I know.
I have a cold, a bad cold.
Hoping to be well enough to drive to Battleground on Saturday.
I have a cold, a bad cold.
Hoping to be well enough to drive to Battleground on Saturday.
Saturday, 15 October 2016
My Day at SKELP 2016
I dripped up to Forfar today with a couple of chums in order to visit SKELP 2016 which is a quaint little wargames show in a quaint little Scottish town. I say dripped as it was rather wet.
Never-the-less we got there OK.
SKELP is a nice little show handily placed about 90 minutes north of Edinburgh.
I took no photographs on the day but a good friend did so and you can find his photographs here:
Thanks Mike.
After talking to a couple of dozen people, scoffed a black pudding roll, sank a cup of tea and had a chat with another couple of dozen people I escaped home to pore over my goodies for the day.
Well at least that was the plan, I did have forty winks and another forty winks first.
After my tea I did have a look at the following:
Yet more tiles on a sheet from Warbases.
A collection of Warbases MDF buildings including an Eastern European House, Hay Barn and Barn.
A Village Well, Livestock Pen, Ladders and Trapdoors for my Magnetic Modular Fort. And, a couple of Corner Towers which I will be building 'Back-to-Front' (to follow).
I thought I would also give the British Army Vehicles a preview. Here they are, a Ferret, a Saracen, a Saladin and a Humber Pig.
Some paint from Pendraken (you can never have enough paint).
Some textured paint by Coat d'arms from Colonel Bills. (experimental basing)
A few figures from a rummage box.
Some little tents from a charity stand.
A couple of huts.
Some bigger tents.
And a collection of farm animals.
And just as I was running out of steam I opened up the bagged Ferret to see how many bits there were.
Busy day ahead tomorrow.
Never-the-less we got there OK.
SKELP is a nice little show handily placed about 90 minutes north of Edinburgh.
I took no photographs on the day but a good friend did so and you can find his photographs here:
Thanks Mike.
After talking to a couple of dozen people, scoffed a black pudding roll, sank a cup of tea and had a chat with another couple of dozen people I escaped home to pore over my goodies for the day.
Well at least that was the plan, I did have forty winks and another forty winks first.
After my tea I did have a look at the following:
Yet more tiles on a sheet from Warbases.
A collection of Warbases MDF buildings including an Eastern European House, Hay Barn and Barn.
A Village Well, Livestock Pen, Ladders and Trapdoors for my Magnetic Modular Fort. And, a couple of Corner Towers which I will be building 'Back-to-Front' (to follow).
I thought I would also give the British Army Vehicles a preview. Here they are, a Ferret, a Saracen, a Saladin and a Humber Pig.
Some paint from Pendraken (you can never have enough paint).
Some textured paint by Coat d'arms from Colonel Bills. (experimental basing)
A few figures from a rummage box.
Some little tents from a charity stand.
A couple of huts.
Some bigger tents.
And a collection of farm animals.
And just as I was running out of steam I opened up the bagged Ferret to see how many bits there were.
Busy day ahead tomorrow.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Just For You Mr Kinch
I am often a patient man but occasionally I get impatient. I want to get to the end product ASAP.
Sometimes that is not possible so here is a little view of the future.
Remember the Magnetic Modular Fort?
It was made with some corner towers like this one.
And some long walls like this.
And some short walls like this.
One of the short walls is actually a gateway.
Get them all together.
A bit closer please!
There you go, that is the Magnetic Modular Fort, Mark One.
Now if you had a double depth, double width corner tower like this.
And swapped out one of the smaller corner towers you could do this.
And if you had a building like this.
And another long wall you could do this.
Swap out one of the corner towers again.
Pause for a second while you look at this double depth wall tower.
If you add a couple of those you could do this.
What? Not enough height. Try this.
Can anyone see where this is going?
I can't, it could go on forever.
Next up, adding details and the final finishes.
Sometimes that is not possible so here is a little view of the future.
Remember the Magnetic Modular Fort?
It was made with some corner towers like this one.
And some long walls like this.
And some short walls like this.
One of the short walls is actually a gateway.
Get them all together.
A bit closer please!
There you go, that is the Magnetic Modular Fort, Mark One.
Now if you had a double depth, double width corner tower like this.
And swapped out one of the smaller corner towers you could do this.
And if you had a building like this.
And another long wall you could do this.
Swap out one of the corner towers again.
Pause for a second while you look at this double depth wall tower.
If you add a couple of those you could do this.
What? Not enough height. Try this.
Can anyone see where this is going?
I can't, it could go on forever.
Next up, adding details and the final finishes.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
The Secret Project ... and More.
Now that I am home nursing a U-section (nothing to do with submarines) I have a chance to bring the blog up-to-date.
A U-section is a bit like a C-section except that it doesn't produce any offspring but does put bits of my small intestine back to where they should be.
Prior to last weekend I had finished the painting of my 4Ground Log Cabin complete with Warbases tiled roof.
I chose a fairly neutral paint finish for the tiles, I think it came out OK.
I also finished a Warbases Stable Block which I subjected to some minor 'MDF Tarting'.
I used a reclaimed wooden window blind to make planks to cover the walls. I cut them to size and scribed on the planking with a biro pen. Some guys use coffee stirrers here. I completed the build with a plastic pantile roof, cut to size from a larger sheet. I think I got them from a railway model supplier, perhaps on e-Bay. Note the 'cuddie' peering out from the gloom.
The sides and back are fairly plain as I don't think you get doors and windows in excess on a stable.
That took me up to Friday evening so it was early to bed as I need to be up at 6am to get ready for the trip to Gateshead for Border Reiver.
This show is held in a sports hall. Not only that, it is held in a sports hall with yellow 'sodium' lights. That makes photography difficult. I know that you can probably fiddle with the settings on your camera and get the 'white balance' sorted out but I didn't.
Here is John from the Falkirk mafia helping out a junior commander with a bit of Sharp Practice.
It's a nice game system and I hope to get immersed into it later this year.
After I grabbed my MDF goodies and some paint (more of them later) we left the show at lunchtime which allowed me to get back to Edinburgh in time for our annual 'street party' where I had a couple of bottles of locally brewed craft beer and a somewhat larger number of bottles of cider. That put paid to any notions of wargaming progress that evening.
Sunday was just as hectic as I pottered around the garden in the morning, watched the Grand Prix in the afternoon (well done Nico) and went off to another party but restrained myself to a couple of diet-cokes but that was another hobby session lost.
Monday was another early start which finally saw me getting cut up in the local Royal Infirmary and also forced to stay overnight due to severe nausea.
A bumpy-ish car ride home this morning has seen me cuddle up to my 6 week old grandson (well he'll be driving me to the shows in twenty years time). I had a quick peek at my Warbases MDF goodies which I will post here.
Remember the Modular Fort?
Nice fort, four walls, four towers, one gate. not too complex.
It would be nice to add an accommodation block, like this:
Some more long walls, like these:
A short wall, like this:
Maybe some double depth wall towers, like these:
And a double width and double depth corner tower, like this:
And, of course, some magnets to hold them all together.
Right then, am ready for some more 'MDF Tarting'.
I also got some Warbases sabots for Black Powder units.
And some Wabases sabots for Sharp Practice regulars.
I then went in search of some Foundry Triads but no-one was selling them so I made do with some of the excellent Coat d'arms paints.
My chum rustled up some Army Painter Acrylic Soft Tone Wash for me, he's a good lad.
(No photograph)
Finally I snazzled some show promotional material.
BattleGround in November, will go depending the snow (yes, snow or maybe rain).
And Carronade 2017 by the annoyingly good Falkirk lads.
So, there you go. A lot of MDF Tarting in the pipeline, a few more figures, a quick trip to Crisis in November and lo and behold it will be Christmas again.
Some Border Reiver photographs at:
Thanks Herky.
A U-section is a bit like a C-section except that it doesn't produce any offspring but does put bits of my small intestine back to where they should be.
Prior to last weekend I had finished the painting of my 4Ground Log Cabin complete with Warbases tiled roof.
I chose a fairly neutral paint finish for the tiles, I think it came out OK.
I also finished a Warbases Stable Block which I subjected to some minor 'MDF Tarting'.
I used a reclaimed wooden window blind to make planks to cover the walls. I cut them to size and scribed on the planking with a biro pen. Some guys use coffee stirrers here. I completed the build with a plastic pantile roof, cut to size from a larger sheet. I think I got them from a railway model supplier, perhaps on e-Bay. Note the 'cuddie' peering out from the gloom.
The sides and back are fairly plain as I don't think you get doors and windows in excess on a stable.
That took me up to Friday evening so it was early to bed as I need to be up at 6am to get ready for the trip to Gateshead for Border Reiver.
This show is held in a sports hall. Not only that, it is held in a sports hall with yellow 'sodium' lights. That makes photography difficult. I know that you can probably fiddle with the settings on your camera and get the 'white balance' sorted out but I didn't.
Here is John from the Falkirk mafia helping out a junior commander with a bit of Sharp Practice.
It's a nice game system and I hope to get immersed into it later this year.
After I grabbed my MDF goodies and some paint (more of them later) we left the show at lunchtime which allowed me to get back to Edinburgh in time for our annual 'street party' where I had a couple of bottles of locally brewed craft beer and a somewhat larger number of bottles of cider. That put paid to any notions of wargaming progress that evening.
Sunday was just as hectic as I pottered around the garden in the morning, watched the Grand Prix in the afternoon (well done Nico) and went off to another party but restrained myself to a couple of diet-cokes but that was another hobby session lost.
Monday was another early start which finally saw me getting cut up in the local Royal Infirmary and also forced to stay overnight due to severe nausea.
A bumpy-ish car ride home this morning has seen me cuddle up to my 6 week old grandson (well he'll be driving me to the shows in twenty years time). I had a quick peek at my Warbases MDF goodies which I will post here.
Remember the Modular Fort?
Nice fort, four walls, four towers, one gate. not too complex.
It would be nice to add an accommodation block, like this:
Some more long walls, like these:
A short wall, like this:
Maybe some double depth wall towers, like these:
And a double width and double depth corner tower, like this:
And, of course, some magnets to hold them all together.
Right then, am ready for some more 'MDF Tarting'.
I also got some Warbases sabots for Black Powder units.
And some Wabases sabots for Sharp Practice regulars.
I then went in search of some Foundry Triads but no-one was selling them so I made do with some of the excellent Coat d'arms paints.
My chum rustled up some Army Painter Acrylic Soft Tone Wash for me, he's a good lad.
(No photograph)
Finally I snazzled some show promotional material.
BattleGround in November, will go depending the snow (yes, snow or maybe rain).
And Carronade 2017 by the annoyingly good Falkirk lads.
So, there you go. A lot of MDF Tarting in the pipeline, a few more figures, a quick trip to Crisis in November and lo and behold it will be Christmas again.
Some Border Reiver photographs at:
Thanks Herky.
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Break in Service
Normal Service will be resumed ....
.... just as soon as the NHS put me back in order.
Nothing serious, just a hernia, again!!
.... just as soon as the NHS put me back in order.
Nothing serious, just a hernia, again!!
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
The Secret Project - Part Two
The Modular Magnetic Fort is all but finished.
Here it is occupied by some Frenchies despite being short of a couple of trapdoors.
A company defends the gateway.
Other companies defend elsewhere and also deploy in the courtyard.
In this shot you can see the magnetic secrets.
There is room inside and on top of the towers to deploy a few figures. Note the trapdoor for access.
The windows can be used for observation and firing.
The view from outside.
Can you see the internal ladders in the gloom?
The main doors can be displayed open to allow troops to sally forth.
Well Guys, is it up to scratch?
What else does it need?
I plan to add a courtyard floor and a couple of missing trapdoors.
And additional towers and walls to increase the overall footprint.
I plan to equip some assaulting troops with ladders and get a game going with the fort as a prize worth fighting for.
If anyone would like a closer look place a comment on this blog. I can bring it to Border Reiver in Gateshead for some hands on access if need be. I may decide to sell this at the end of the day or even make another one.
Here it is occupied by some Frenchies despite being short of a couple of trapdoors.
A company defends the gateway.
Other companies defend elsewhere and also deploy in the courtyard.
In this shot you can see the magnetic secrets.
There is room inside and on top of the towers to deploy a few figures. Note the trapdoor for access.
The windows can be used for observation and firing.
The view from outside.
Can you see the internal ladders in the gloom?
The main doors can be displayed open to allow troops to sally forth.
Well Guys, is it up to scratch?
What else does it need?
I plan to add a courtyard floor and a couple of missing trapdoors.
And additional towers and walls to increase the overall footprint.
I plan to equip some assaulting troops with ladders and get a game going with the fort as a prize worth fighting for.
If anyone would like a closer look place a comment on this blog. I can bring it to Border Reiver in Gateshead for some hands on access if need be. I may decide to sell this at the end of the day or even make another one.
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