The first dusty box revealed a few smaller boxes and some plastic bags filled with an assortment of figures both mounted and foot but no horses. I recognised them instantly.
They comprised the unfinished remains of a Swedish Napoleonic Army which I had acquired many years ago. In fact they had entered the blogosphere quite some ago and are posted on here.
Jim Duncan Wargamer: Napoleonic Swedes - 25 mm (
Prior to the time of their first rediscovery I had painted and based a few battalions and then moved onto other things as the period waned in my playing group. The completed units and the unfinished units were stashed away in one location (behind the living room TV) and the unused figures went into the bathroom ceiling void and forgotten about.
Fast forward to 2017 and the painted and unfinished units were rediscovered, finished off and sold to a chum from the Kingdom. The figures in the void remained undiscovered.
Jim Duncan Wargamer: Napoleonic Swedes - 25mm - Restoration (
Until this weekend that is.
The void has revealed its secrets:
Units appear to be on average 14 figures strong.
A few Frenchmen will no doubt be disguised by a coat of paint.
Plenty of command.
An excess of gunners but no guns.
Grenadier command but no privates.
Some Russki's.
And Nassau
And Prussians.
Now, what should I do with them?
And: I have another 4 boxes from the void to look into.