
Monday 23 March 2015

Big Day Over - Back to Wargaming

Here's me and my good lady at the weekend. Nope, it wasn't for the rugby.


My youngest daughter Susan was married at the weekend.

Here she is with her new husband Craig.

Some of the photographs were taken at South Queensferry.

Downstream is the famous Forth Bridge.

Upstream is the Forth Road Bridge with the pillars of the new Queensferry Crossing bridge in the background.

I am reliably informed that this is the only place in the world where there is an Nineteenth Century bridge, a Twentieth Century bridge and a Twentyfirst Century bridge crossing a major river at the same place.

How good is that!

Now back to wargaming and where did I leave my paintbrush.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Casualty Markers, from the Bits Box

I made some more casualty markers for a chum using some odd bits from the bits box.

The cannon balls are way over scale but do the job nicely. They are pellets from a kids toy gun glued into a pyramid. The bases are 30mm square.

The rest are spare torsos, spare arms and heads from the bits box. I had no legs for them so I cunningly modelled them in the shade of some shrubbery.

The bases are 30 x 50mm. The dice holders are from Minibits.

I also finished off some 54mm WW2 British infantry figures that my recently deceased chum had started. I think they are made by Airfix.

I hope to make up a platoon or so of these and put them on sale at a show later in the year to raise funds for charity.

Monday 9 March 2015

On your marks, get set, Charge

I bought a packet of acrylic charge markers at the weekend from Figures in Comfort.

Nice, but a bit plain I thought.

I married it with a 30x30mm MDF base from Warbases.

I applied some paint and some static grass and et voila.

Now, that is an enhanced enhancement.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Baccus 6mm ACW - Army of the Potomac

I have just about finished the Union component of the Baccus 6mm ACW Boxed Set.

Not bad going for 4 weeks work including a good few distractions.

These will be my Army of the Potomac.

There are 10 artillery bases.

12 bases of infantry, two of them Zouaves.

2 cavalry bases with mounted, dismounted and empty horses.

6 command bases

All the bases are setup for Polemos, 60 x 30 for infantry and cavalry, 30 x 30 for artillery and commanders. I have left room for magnetic labels at the rear of the base.

Since I want to use these figures with other rulesets I have used 20 x 20 sub-bases which magnetically attach to the 60 x 30 base which is topped with steel paper. For example, Longstreet will need as many as ten 20 x 20 sub-bases for each Regiment and a starter Brigade will have three of them so I will need to get a few more infantry.

Attaching them is a doddle.

The painting of 6mm figures is not particularly demanding. I am a month away from being an old age pensioner and I coped with these OK. An 'impressionist' style is acceptable, certainly at tabletop level. I know that better hands and eyes can do more than I have.

So there you are, my Army of the Potomac (actually about 2 brigades but it's a start).

Just a few Johnny Rebs to do now although I expect they will take a little bit longer as they have less regular uniforms.

What do you guys and gals think?