
Monday 13 November 2017

Napoleonic Swedes - 25 mm

A recent blog post by an old friend reminded me that I had some 25mm Napoleonic Swedish infantry stashed away somewhere. In fact they had been left in a cupboard behind the TV in an open topped box  for at least twenty years. Some of the close up images will show the authentic layers of dust that they have acquired on this greatly un-military service.

Kongl. Skaraborgs Regemente, Kingdom of Sweden 1807

Complete (or should I say incomplete) with hand painted standard and broken flagstaff. A repair will be in the offing.

Note the authentic dust around the helmets and the painting style which is a mixture of drybrushing, block painting and black lining. Have a close look at the crest on the helmet, it is tiny yet I seemed to have painted a tiny blue cross approximately 1mm in diameter.

Kongl. Westgotha Regemente, Kingdom of Sweden 1807

The standards were all painted by hand using sketches made by a wargaming chum. Accurate information was very scarce when I painted these figures (80's?).

Note the white brassard on the left arm. A mark of respect I understand after a death in the royal family.

Kongl. Uplands Regemente, Kingdom of Sweden 1807

Love these figures. Probably Minifigs 'S' Range, and I think you can still get them.

Kongl. Wermland Falt-Jagare Regemente, Kingdom of Sweden 1807

I must have used fairly coarse sand for the bases.

1st Battery, Finska Regemente, Kingdom of Sweden 1807

Determined faces on these gunners.

Some spare artillery pieces.

I have 8 pieces altogether, 6 look like 12 pounders and 2 a bit lighter, possibly 6 or 8 pounders.

A couple of unnamed officers. It was our style in those days to have Brigadiers of Infantry to be modelled on foot beside their mount. Since I have no cavalry the mounted officer must be a full General.

The enemy Sir are that-a-way.

I have an unfinished unit, probably a Life Guard or something like that still on painting sticks. Shouldn't take too much effort to finish them off.

I wonder what to do with them?


  1. Nice clean painting! What to do? Invade Denmark with them.

    1. Invade Norway but watch out for the ski troops!

    2. Classic figures painted in the 'old' style. I would struggle to do them that way now.

      The figures are still available.

  2. They look great. I have emailed you.

  3. They look great. I have emailed you.

  4. A bit of wargaming history ! , Mini Figs looking good after all these years .

    1. You can still buy these castings.

  5. Nice archaeological dig discovery!

    1. I bought the figures from a chum who no longer wanted them for himself. It was a popular period at the time but by the time I had painted them that popularity had waned. They were stuck in a box and stashed in a cupboard behind the TV.

      That must have been 30 years ago or more.

      The TV has been replaced several time since.

      A recent nudge from a friends blog reminded me of them so I hauled them out.

      He has bought them from me subject to running repairs.

  6. I have a similar problem, I am trying to replicate my painting style of 10 years ago to add to my 7YW Russians!

    I hope you find a good opponent, or a good buyer for those lovely, if quirky figures!

    1. In this case, apart from an aged eyesight the figures were painted with enamels and I only use acrylics these days. Shouldn't be too much of a problem.

      I have a buyer lined up for the figures.

  7. Jim - white armband was I think a way of identifying Allied troops in 1813-14. Otherwise those dastardly Cossack would poke them with lances

    1. The information I presented on the 'brassard' was the best available at the time (I was so much younger then). It may well be that it was used in both memorial terms and field signs.
