
Thursday, 1 February 2018

24 Days Later

24 days ago I had a few (several hundred) figures that looked like this.

They are Mauryan Indian archers in 10mm by Pendraken.

They are on custom made magnetised plasticard bases scaled for a set of rules in my head.

Today they look like this.

I also have a pile of rubble which will be filed under 'B'.

The figures are destined for the great rebasing queue. Their time is now as you may guess in a few minutes.

24 days ago I was just coming around in the recovery room feeling somewhat different, lighter, not a care in the world, nothing could be sweeter.

1 day later reality stepped into the argument. Where was that pain coming from? Why is the consultant saying I can go home?

Fortunately the ward staff nurse disagreed and it was another 3 days before I had the opportunity to count the 192 pot holes on the 7.1 mile trip home.

Life was not unreasonable for a cancer survivor, at least it felt not too bad.

Then, things went downhill.

I had an infection, perhaps two, producing no end of breathing problems, a fever, a sweat plague, constipation, depression, paranoia, a helluva sore left testicle, no appetite, no focus and probably a few more things I can no longer remember, ah, I remember now, an opiate overdose.

I am two stone underweight (28 pounds to those across the pond) but find eating a bit of a chore. I am on a lighter dose of painkillers, can shuffle from one end of the house to the other without almost falling over 2 or 3 times.

On the good side I can drink fluid and, woo hoo, pee which is what started off this adventure in the first place. Happy Days.

Where are we now?

Am not too sure but I spent more than an hour in the wargames hut this evening doing something not very important but at least something. Rebasing figures is mind numbingly boring but it is about as much I can manage today.

What will tomorrow bring?


  1. Hope the recovery is going well.

  2. Loads of ups and downs Jim, keep moving forward. I look forward to seeing the figures in a game here on the blog.

  3. Just glad to hear that you ares on the mend, albeit more slowly than hoped. Take one day at a time. All the best.

  4. Re-basing is such a core , but worth it in the end

  5. Jim,

    After what must seem like an age of trial, tribulation, and a lot of pain, re-basing (something I hate having to do!) is a great first step back into wargaming. Once the figures are done, you will have achieved something, and hopefully the next step will be easier, and then the next ... and then the next ...

    It's great to read that you are slowly getting better.

    All the best,


  6. Great to see you back in action with figures, albeit basing. Lets face it, if you are feeling terrible then re-basing is the job to do, and save the fun stuff for when you are feeling more hale, which will hopefully be very soon.
    all the best

  7. Glad to hear that you are recovering and I hope that you continue to do so :)

  8. Keep up the recovery - I find rebasing very relaxing

  9. Good to see you are getting there Jim. Basing is one of those things that can induce almost Zen like calmness but you always feel better after having done it.

    Baby steps but at least baby steps that are heading in the right direction.

    All the best,


  10. Some weeks I spend alot of time just staring at existing figures and day dreaming of things I might do when I have the energy. Actually rebasing sounds much more productive and distracting.

    Here's to many tomorrows.

  11. Hope your recovery continues and you start to feel more yourself.

    One of those time consuming, repetitive, tasks that are part of the hobby: rebasing. Like whacking yourself on the head with a mallet, it feels so good once you're done.

  12. I think you are a real trooper! Keep your chin up on the long road to recovery!

  13. All good Jim, an hour in the hut is an hour more than could have been don a few weeks ago. Those Pendraken figures look like they survived the uprooting anyway.
